2015-08-25 - Squid log

Header Data

From: “sebi.klos” <se***s@icloud.com>
Message Hash: 13c97170c76a34d0a750563a8057bdb6880ae4f23e781c766ce493f3d48a01a4
Message ID: <dccccefb-f9a7-4f8c-b944-d84b1328f23e@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2015-08-25 09:08:34 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 09:08:34 -0700

Raw message

Hi together,

can somebody please update the  /etc/squid3/squid.conf.grase for a normal 
date to read?

This is what everybody need i think.
Why i only get  MAC Address 00:00:00:00:00?
By free login is the MAC Address my username but i can't search if 
everybody is 00:00:00:00:00

this is for /etc/squid3/squid.conf.grase for see normal date

logformat  lesbar %{%d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S}tl  %>a %>eui %Ss %ru %<st %<sS

this is a little shell for get infos about users but it only work at the 
moment with IP-Address and not with MAC-ADDRESS

someone can make this in the grasewebinterface?


echo "Please enter the IP Adress of wanted user: like "

read IP

echo "Please enter dataname for export your log : like Max_Mustermann.log 
or csv"


echo start make folder

mkdir /var/log/squid3/auswertung

echo make folder/var/log/squid3/auswertung! OK

echo start copy logfiles

cp /var/log/squid3/access* /var/log/squid3/auswertung

mv /var/log/squid3/auswertung/access.log 

mv /var/log/squid3/auswertung/access.log.1 

echo copy logfiles to /var/log/squid3/auswertung! OK

cd /var/log/squid3/auswertung

echo start unzip logfiles

gunzip access*.gz

echo unzip log file! OK

echo start translate date

#cat /var/log/squid3/auswertung/access* | perl -p -e 
's/^([0-9]*)/"".localtime($1)." "/e' > accesslogs_date.log

#echo translate date! OK

grep  $IP /var/log/squid3/auswertung/accesslogs_date.log > $DATANAME

echo make filtering and export to $DATANAME

rm /var/log/squid3/auswertung/access*

echo you find the access log for $IP in 
/var/log/squid3/auswertung/$DATANAME OK

Can i do something here in this project?

Best wishes 

