2015-09-18 - Voucher Search Function

Header Data

From: Louis <lo***3@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 7fbfbd8de699696b75cd07d1d7a4fe7e5784f5b7a3be8e503ed5f95a07aa08a1
Message ID: <3f0a196d-d549-4931-8000-23a31a49188e@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2015-09-18 02:22:27 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 02:22:27 -0700

Raw message

Hi Tim

Do you think its possible to implement a search function for Vouchers. I 
have realized tha the more vouchers you have - the more difficult it is to 
find a voucher that has or is being used but not connected.e.g (Monitor 
sessions>Display All Sessions>...) Its quite difficult to locate the 
voucher unless there is another way im missing? Also hectic if you have 
many people connected on Hotspot. So a search function can simplify this 
process. Hope this makes sense.

