2015-11-22 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Network access

Header Data

From: Jean Létourneau <ve***t@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 7e4d7d7b9b8a0437e428003c148fff454373d1473df35bd608cebf957d08b43d
Message ID: <CACJdL0OkQX3vJx=jcrfFv3x3z_=qnoQkUtxQMk-hF5Q9U7yqCQ@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: <EBFAAC4D-F1C8-4075-ABED-CBE04672E0F5@argyle.com.au>
UTC Datetime: 2015-11-22 16:51:01 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2015 18:51:01 -0500

Raw message

On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 5:07 PM, David Wilson <da***e@argyle.com.au> wrote:

> Hi Jean,

​Hi Dave,​

> Can you confirm your LAN IP?
> you wrote 10.10.1
> I think you meant
> But can you confirm.

​Yes it is​

> By default Grase will let hotspot users access the WAN, which is meant to
> be the Internet although there could be other things in the WAN as well as
> the internet.
> So putting the WAN interface of your Grase server on your private network
> is not a good idea.

​I did not realise until I read your e-mail, that make sens.​

If your router supports it you could create an extra v-lan for your Grase
> WAN interface and have firewall rules blocking anything from that new v-lan
> to your private  network. So you would have

​Ok will do that, since I am not a network guru  it is not clear in my

right now my Grase server run on  ESXI that include other server the
private network has to use. I will draw something using what you suggest
below, That should help me understanding. ​

> 1. Private network
> 2. Grase WAN
> 3. Grase LAN (guest hotspot users)
> and your rules would be
> a) Private Network > Internet ALLOW
> b) Grase WAN > Internet ALLOW
> c) Grase WAN > Private Network BLOCK
> d) Private Network > Grase WAN ALLOW
> and you would keep the Grase LAN off the router altogether

​Thanks for your time and replies. I will post here my result later this

> Alternatively, you would need to create a firewall rule on your Grase
> server to block everything to your private subnet (except your internet
> gateway/router).

​That propably exist all ready, since from my private network I can access
the Grase server but no other devices, (On the 10.1.0.xx) ​

> Dave

