2016-07-18 - port forwarding problem

Header Data

From: nazanin behroozian <na***n@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 0bd86707ef1a5c1083fd27bc3251651756e1b477246f1dcad4d981ed1d76a03e
Message ID: <CAH9wN0p8eSduXDWiYDwJUVKTS3zZVMo_z-x1C_LQRE==1hTwTQ@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2016-07-18 04:07:32 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 15:37:32 +0430

Raw message

Dear All :

we have grase installed in a hospital. on the MRI site they have a computer
and a MRI application which they need to access from outside. They have
asked us to open ports 80,8041,104 so they can access the application via
valid IP over the internet.
we have the IP valid on our server and the MRI computer is in the grase
I tried many ways to open these ports but no success. I used both iptables
commands and a software called rinetd. Can you please tell me why we can
not forward these ports ?

Many Thanks
