2016-08-29 - script to auto-delete expired users

Header Data

From: Gianluca Filippini <gi***4@gmail.com>
Message Hash: ce4f6e37eab548a8d2959f77c7ff3f57a39ff6e20433ad27a99920c52fa425c7
Message ID: <CAH-3qCL4qar0sw4oi0PuHY05G3A0O6j5aQFY+G9tsPGr4F0hBQ@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2016-08-29 14:28:54 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 23:28:54 +0200

Raw message


I was wandering if someone can guide me on which tables I need to cleanup
for the following purpose:

I want to delete automatically (with a bash/cron script running every
midnight) the old users that are expired from a (for example) 1 month or

I see where the users are located ... but how do I cleanup the traffic
logs? I know it is a matter of looking into the DB tables .. just wondering
if someone can guide me so I do not forget details...

thanks in advance.
