2016-11-19 - Hotspot users can access /grase/radmin

Header Data

From: Michael Raynor <mx***1@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 5438e64a2b9905a2786ead2c4fcb23b0afc49130e2168746c70409835b4a66a8
Message ID: <f0b94c28-d3ba-4772-9d08-8be5d8e9b8e8@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2016-11-19 05:29:51 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 04:29:51 -0800

Raw message

Hi Guys,

I just realised when testing that hotspot users are able to access the 
/grase/radmin folder from both the LAN IP and the WAN/Management IP on the 
Grase server.

I tried to add code to /etc/apache2/conf-available/grase-conf-apache2.conf 
but it doesn't seem to cover access when using the WAN/Management IP from 
hotspot users (it does block from the LAN IP):

    <Directory "/usr/share/grase/www/radmin/">
       Deny from

Hotspot users obviously need access to the /grase/uam/ folder and the other 
common resources, but even showing the /grase/radmin is an unnecessary 
security risk.

I know credentials should be secure, but was just wondering if there was a 
tried and tested way to block access outright.

This also makes me wonder what else is open for hotspot users (ssh, mysql 
probing etc).

Any thoughts?


