2017-02-10 - Re: Semi-urgent: coova-chilli[1340]: dhcp.c: 644: reached max connections 512!

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From: Hotspotuser <jo***s@algardata.pt>
Message Hash: 734dd729f394c487f5953191eb7f3e7d370fe85cb8509f584e02e535826c6b51
Message ID: <0f1b9718-0013-4701-b33d-b58538003dba@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <60092321-1c66-46d3-9cf6-2230d433b959@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2017-02-10 02:37:44 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 01:37:44 -0800

Raw message


We use HS_MAXCLIENTS=65000 together with S_NETMASK= and we dont 
set any DHCPSTART or DHCPEND, and all works well for over 800 users at same 
time... Today we setup a 2500 max users hotstpot and we expect it to be ok.

Can you elaborate on why you need the DHCPSTART DHCPEND set?

quinta-feira, 9 de Fevereiro de 2017 às 19:54:15 UTC, Vicente Henríquez 
> Hi Michael!
> Today i started config the CoovaChilli with a "kinda huge" pool range and 
> i have (i don't know it is a great idea) solution. I make this changes in 
> /etc/chilli/conf
> HS_NETMASK=${HS_NETMASK:-255.255.252.O}
> and put the next thing after HS_DNS_DOMAIN:hotspot.lan
> I put this because i need this config 
> *Address* (Host or Network) *Netmask* (i.e. 24) *Netmask* for 
> sub/supernet (optional)
>  / move to: 
>  limpiar <http://www.aprendaredes.com/cgi-bin/ipcalc/ipcalc_cgi>
> ------------------------------
> Address:              00001010.00000001.000000 00.00000001
> Netmask: = 22 11111111.11111111.111111 00.00000000
> Wildcard: 00000000.00000000.000000 11.11111111
> =>
> Network:           00001010.00000001.000000 00.00000000
> HostMin: 00001010.00000001.000000 00.00000001
> HostMax: 00001010.00000001.000000 11.11111110
> Broadcast: 00001010.00000001.000000 11.11111111
> Hosts/Net: 1022 Class A, Private Internet 
> <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1918.txt>
> and after make this changes, i modify /etc/chilli/local.conf with this (if 
> you do a cat /etc/chilli/local.conf show this config)
> macpasswd=password
> defidletimeout=600
> nousergardendata
> interval=600
> and you need put the next thing
> macpasswd=password
> defidletimeout=600        
> *dhcpstart=2*
> *dhcpend=1021   you can define the pool range that you want, but in my 
> case it's was that because use class A network*
> nousergardendata
> interval=600
> Sorry for my english!!! 
> Regards, Vicente
> Michael Raynor escribió:
>> Hi Tim (and everyone),
>> We are having an issue with our Grase server where it refuses to dish our 
>> more DHCP leases.
>> We are using the subnet for Guests with DHCP Start of 2 
>> ( and DHCP End of 65532 ( or close to).
>> In theory I was hoping that just the DHCP Start and End would be 
>> sufficient to make this work.
>> /var/log/syslog shows the following:
>> Jan  8 06:51:31 grase01 coova-chilli[1340]: message repeated 10 times: [ 
>> dhcp.c: 644: reached max connections 512!]
>> Jan  8 06:51:31 grase01 coova-chilli[1340]: dhcp.c: 5602: ARP: out of 
>> connections
>> Jan  8 06:51:33 grase01 coova-chilli[1340]: dhcp.c: 644: reached max 
>> connections 512!
>> Jan  8 06:51:33 grase01 coova-chilli[1340]: dhcp.c: 5602: ARP: out of 
>> connections
>> Jan  8 06:51:45 grase01 coova-chilli[1340]: dhcp.c: 644: reached max 
>> connections 512!
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38784447/coovachilli-dhcp-server-limit-issue 
>> speaks of a maxclients variable of 512 hard coded into chilli - which 
>> doesn't sound like an easy fix.
>> https://coova.github.io/mail-archive/chilli/2014-May/002729.html speaks 
>> of a maxclients setting that can be overwritten in the chilli config
>> As part of Grase hotspot, is the maxclients variable being modified 
>> relative to the DHCP Start and DHCP End in the Admin Portal? If it isn't , 
>> can I manually whack this in there to get us out of trouble? Should I put 
>> it in the main.conf or the local.conf?
>> I have restarted the Grase server and it appears to be working again, 
>> however "sudo chilli_query list | wc -l" has already crept back up to 331 
>> of the possibly 512 limit.
>> We have three 1 week conferences ahead so I really want to find a 
>> solution ASAP.
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Michael
