2017-05-23 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Why I am getting martian source package mesages from syslog

Header Data

From: Tubeta Taenang <tu***g@gmail.com>
Message Hash: c6aef9e8c23de10f9d35605961e38ba1d301d3c752746ea123b4911ab339acdb
Message ID: <CAPYsbFZZYKwaKSyFov0db+kMajiCtbBcVkm9yKLsdroJMBrzWg@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAESLx0KdCnxrvBy3+tRPStq1PjA-QR2RAmrCia-aL8LPzFRvjw@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2017-05-23 16:12:53 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 11:12:53 +1200

Raw message

Thanks Tim,

I will work on it as you said. Thanks for your help.


On 5/23/17, Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 12:41 PM, Tubeta Taenang <tu***g@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Here is my setup:
>> WAN side ome through MODEM - MANAGED SWITCH - ROUTER 1
>> ( <--> LAN (192.168.x.x/24)
>>                                      MODEM - MANAGED SWITCH - GRASE
>> BOX ( <--> LAN (10.1.x.x/24) ETH0 is facing the Internet
>> side while ETH1 ( with tun0 and tun1) is where grase resides.
> Something isn't adding up.
> According to your IP ranges,  you have 8 IP's in your WAN? Is your Modem
> also a router? In which case, you have "multiple" routers, because you have
> ROUTER 1, which is a router for your LAN, and you have the Grase server
> acting as a router for the wifi?
> Side note, I probably should update the install docs, but Grase was never
> designed to be on a public IP without some sort of firewall being setup.
> You probably want to lock down your eth0 on the Grase server.
> So looking at your setup, and the martian log's, it appears that
> (a hotspot client) is sending packets with an origination IP
> of In other words, it's "routing" packets the wrong way. So
> find out what that client is, and you'll be on track to working out the
> issue.
> Lastly, you have a few oddities setup.
> uamallowed=
> uamallowed=
> uamallowed=
> uamallowed=
> uamallowed=
> uamallowed=
> uamallowed=
> uamallowed=
> Basically, you're telling the hotspot to allow access to those IP's, except
> all of those IP's are on the Hotspot side of the network, so direct client
> to client communication will work for them, and those rules will do
> nothing.
>         #adding routing to network attached to dev tun0
>         up route add -net  gw dev tun0
>         #add route to network via dev tun0
>         up route add -net gw dev tun0
> Why do you have these? The network will be directly attached to
> tun0 or tun1 (depending on what order things come up), and so won't need
> that route. And, you're telling it to route through CoovaChilli
> as well, except it's not going to have that network attached, and if it
> did, it would be a directly attached network not needing a router.
> You shouldn't need to be modifying any routes in 'up' scripts,
> Ubuntu/Debian does a good job of handling that itself, and if you are doing
> fancy routing, it won't be to gw 101.0.1 on tun0.
> Regards
> Tim
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