2019-10-21 - DNS issues for clients

Header Data

From: Tim <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 07a3969fe1af48d4910c7fa5588b39487be1ce1891aff151297c0b72499f3bac
Message ID: <CAESLx0Lk0Dw1pQ8VuoWeL3n0CS47nXg3M9-BN2eXPM6Hc5A0Jg@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2019-10-21 14:18:07 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 07:18:07 +1000

Raw message

Hi All

Just a quick message. If you're experiencing DNS issues with your clients,
and you can see lines in the syslog such as:
coova-chilli[1532]: dhcp.c: 1784: dropping malformed DNS

It appears to be an issue with older versions of Coova Chilli. It should be
fixable by modifying /etc/chilli/config from something like:

# OpenDNS Servers

To something like:
# OpenDNS Servers

Make sure to replace the DNS server IP's with DNS servers you are happy to
use. Then reboot.

This /should/ bypass CoovaChilli code for DNS requests (and also will
bypass dnsmasq) from clients, which should at least get things running.

We'll be compiling a newer version of Coova Chilli for V4, so hopefully
this will be a non issue then.


