2020-01-24 - VPN Package Fixes

Header Data

From: Tim <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: f55192eaf3a7748dd1d5ec1f575ca0ae418d8cdbf9780dd2de17a19d7c13eb2b
Message ID: <CAESLx0+RzPrKD8wDJkuRPzPN9gXWOukyX3sjzVMGojczgZLBFg@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2020-01-24 22:16:18 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 13:16:18 +0800

Raw message

Hey All

Sorry if you rely on the VPN component to remotely access/administer your
hotspots. The 10 year certificate I created (10 years ago) expired at the
start of the month, breaking the whole VPN. In theory, you can just resign
the original CA certificate and things will work from there, but that
didn't work for me. So instead, I've created a new CA certificate, with a
20 year expiry, and pushed a new grase-conf-openvpn package with the
updated CA in it.

I've also updated the VPN hostname, as this way I don't have 100's of
clients trying to connect and then failing due to the wrong certificates,
and then using up all the client slots.

Most Hotspot installs should automatically update the grase-conf-openvpn
package, assuming you haven't disabled the automatic updates. This will
typically occur overnight.

If you wish to get reconnected to the VPN, just run your normal apt-get
upgrade for updating system packages.


