2011-08-09 - [GRASE-Hotspot] WPA/WPA2 Enterprise auth

Header Data

From: silverio <SS***s@web.de>
Message Hash: 21fcae225841afcdf1eb92f052fb89b5e5899da4ebb2514fc31329437b4fcc10
Message ID: <10558f60a70a617f0f3ace7297f897a1@ssantos.dyndns.info>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2011-08-09 03:51:43 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 12:51:43 +0200

Raw message


is it possible to run WPA/WPA2 authentication (aka. "Enterprise") 
through the GRASEish set up components? Of course the status page with 
the logout button and time/volume used so far needs to be made available 
through a different method.

The alternative to provide an open AP to stop access at 
web-(browser)level may attract wardrivers, which we might want to 
avoid... That's why my tests were all running on Ethernet cables only 
and that will stay the only acceptable use with the current setup.

