2011-08-09 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] WPA/WPA2 Enterprise auth

Header Data

From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 3196ab8849630eca1dcf9a85020c023719f55a82ad9c36e089af63fbd8133695
Message ID: <4E41D628.5030000@gmail.com>
Reply To: <10558f60a70a617f0f3ace7297f897a1@ssantos.dyndns.info>
UTC Datetime: 2011-08-09 17:51:52 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 10:51:52 +1000

Raw message

In theory, yes, you can do WPA-EAP.
In practice, not so easy. Making the status page available is easy (just 
give the users a special url that will redirect to the status page).
I currently don't have any hardware that supports WPA-EAP, so can't set 
it up to work out what settings are needed in Coova Chilli.
Reading around suggests that it's easy. And this page 
http://coova.org/CoovaChilli/WPACaptivePortal also has information of 
what is needed to allow guests to get a normal UAM login page, while 
successful WPA logins will get direct access.

What particular issues do you have with war drivers? I'm assuming it's 
the fact that all traffic is unencrypted so war drivers could sniff 
details? I'd advertise the hotspot with a WPA2 key, so it's not as easy 
for people to just find the hotspot and connect, but at least the casual 
war driver isn't going to be sniffing it.


On 09/08/11 20:51, silverio wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible to run WPA/WPA2 authentication (aka. "Enterprise")
> through the GRASEish set up components? Of course the status page with
> the logout button and time/volume used so far needs to be made available
> through a different method.
> The alternative to provide an open AP to stop access at
> web-(browser)level may attract wardrivers, which we might want to
> avoid... That's why my tests were all running on Ethernet cables only
> and that will stay the only acceptable use with the current setup.
> Brgds
> Silv�rio
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