2011-11-07 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Users and Groups

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From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 65bb9444bbfb491044eef0710694fbbac545fc3d032eb1101a3b66b398a8f32b
Message ID: <4EB87115.3040303@gmail.com>
Reply To: <4EB86728.5090500@gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2011-11-07 17:00:21 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:00:21 +1000

Raw message

CCed the mailing list so everyone will benefit.

On 08/11/11 09:18, OlotWireless wrote:
> 1.-In our case, we have a 6 month "users", but no one in the same date 
> start/end. We must create a Group for every user?. We likes create 
> only a user with 6 month account and no time/data restrictions. Its 
> possible?
When you create the group, use the format "+6 month" for expiry, then 
each user will have 6 months from when you create the user. (And just 
don't set any data/time limits in the group or the user)
> 2.-We have a seriousproblem with the newgeneration of mobile 
> phonesbecause theyautomaticallycallourwireless LAN andthe IP rangeis 
> exhaustedquickly. We can configure the DHCP with mask?? how?
In the latest version you can set all the Network Settings in the admin 
interface, you can change the netmask there.
> 3.- Also, we have a serious problem with some mobile "aplications"... 
> for example Droidsheep http://droidsheep.de/ because it "clone" with 
> ARP the existent connection... and you can imagine the results in the 
> network and over the hotspot. Any possible solution?
Unfortunately there is really hard to stop, even with WPA2. Your 2 
options really are advising users to use HTTPS instead of HTTP, and 
having a clause on the login page (Terms and Conditions) that all 
"cracking" activity will be reported to the police etc etc.
There are a few linux tools you can run that detect arp spoofing, which 
may also give you the mac address of the client doing the spoofing. You 
can then block that clients access totally, although that won't stop 
them trying, but if they find out they don't get any Internet access, it 
may deter them.

