2011-11-25 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Development Lull

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From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: dbe5eb998b6ad7b3e7f0b8d99868d7129ab8bdb3872c42e0c217344cf0fd8c5a
Message ID: <4ED020A2.4060901@gmail.com>
Reply To: <CA+wWQF83j+YyMxnu60mJu7VmVy8946Nq1_EEuqWQK_D2tEjuBA@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2011-11-25 16:11:30 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 09:11:30 +1000

Raw message

On 26/11/11 07:20, Tomas213 wrote:
> I had some ideas, after using the program for some time. (I will have 
> it open to clients next week.)
> 1) mass delete of users accounts
Should be easy to do. However the concept when I wrote the software was 
that you'd only be deleting accounts that never got used. Expired 
accounts automatically delete after 3 months I think, and deleting 
accounts that have been used in the current month will skew with some of 
the reports.
What's your main use case for deleting lots of accounts? I'm just trying 
to work out how to make it possible, without encouraging it.
> 2) Ability to create user accounts with a specific username or 
> password (e.x. username "*user*125", "*user*126", or password : *: 
> *"*mypass*887xwew", "*mypass*X3456xwew").
As in default usernames, or the mass create users part?
The current auto passwords are an algorithm that is supposed to generate 
"easy" to remember passwords by using combinations that (in english) can 
be sounded. e.g. mak738vis is easily broken down to "mak - 738 - vis" 
with the letter combinations forming sounds.
> 3) When deleting a group, users of that group won't delete (you still 
> have to delete each user)
That's by design. I guess here would be an area that mass delete could 
be useful. It's actually "too easy" to delete a group, or rename a 
group, by accident, and having that also delete 100 users isn't 
something I want to allow. Currently, if you delete a group it's last 
settings will still be stored and be in effect for the users. This is so 
if a user buys a voucher from a "1 hour" group, and then you suddenly 
rename the group to "10 min" and change it's values, that user still 
gets the "1 hour" they purchased. (You can of course change the "1 hour" 
group settings without changing the name and they'll effect the users in 
the "1 hour" group)

> 4) Ability to change IP settings. I read an old post you made and you 
> said that the IP is hardcoded into the files. Well, the ability to 
> change it, would be nice
This has now been fixed. There is a Network Settings area, and it allows 
you to set the ip, netmask, and DNS servers. (DNS for the clients is the 
hotspot, the DNS servers you set are the ones the Hotspot will use).

> 5) Abillity to change Freeradius, squid settings, range of the DHCP, 
> etc, through the admin panel
Some of these settings are easy than others. Coova Chilli settings are 
in the admin panel, as you can easily fetch the majority of them 
dynamically. (That includes DHCP range, based on the LAN ip address and 
netmask. Although finer control of DHCP range may be added later).

Freeradius settings are a pain in the rear end. What particular 
Freeradius settings would you be wanting to change?

Squid is something I want to be able to offer. Again, not easy to change 
these settings. I do want to be able to offer filtering based on 
groups/users, and it was something I had coded before I released the 
source code. Once I rewrite the squid helpers, I can look at enabling 
more of that. Probably what I'd suggest is that for things like 
Dansguardian and Squid, you use webmin to change the settings.
> These are some things that came on mind.
> If anything else comes on mind, i will let you know.

Thanks. Feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to open bug/feature 
requests at http://trac.grasehotspot.org/

