2011-11-25 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Development Lull

Header Data

From: Tomas213 <to***3@gmail.com>
Message Hash: e92f2892a14679c7df45d6f1ae116a4c5b34d46da93703376c32ff88846c3351
Message ID: <CA+wWQF83j+YyMxnu60mJu7VmVy8946Nq1_EEuqWQK_D2tEjuBA@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: <4ECEC79D.3090009@gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2011-11-25 14:20:56 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 23:20:56 +0200

Raw message

First of all congratulations on your exams!
Try to have some rest!

Thank you once more for the excellent effort you have made with the program.
I started translating Greece language, will have it finished as soon as

I had some ideas, after using the program for some time. (I will have it
open to clients next week.)

1) mass delete of users accounts
2) Ability to create user accounts with a specific username or password
(e.x. username "*user*125", "*user*126", or password : *: *"*mypass*887xwew",
3) When deleting a group, users of that group won't delete (you still have
to delete each user)
4) Ability to change IP settings. I read an old post you made and you said
that the IP is hardcoded into the files. Well, the ability to change it,
would be nice
5) Abillity to change Freeradius, squid settings, range of the DHCP, etc,
through the admin panel

These are some things that came on mind.
If anything else comes on mind, i will let you know.

