2012-01-11 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] #44: Allow time based “specials”

Header Data

From: Muhammad Zubair Riaz <sa***r@gmail.com>
Message Hash: a36415d9760cf54e580ce7e1e85cf5239f4748ba57ef5b4b14ef8203e1d64abb
Message ID: <4F0E6798.7010500@gmail.com>
Reply To: <039.e93ff17f4803f2170587334b1155810a@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2012-01-11 21:54:48 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 07:54:48 +0300

Raw message


I have a network like mentioned under

1- Linux server1 with 2 gateway,
eth0=, gw=, Connected to ADSL modem
eth1=, gw=, Connected to ADSL modem
eth2=, connected 5 port switch-1
shorewall configured for 2 ISP, squid , dhcp3-server, bind
2- Linux server2
eth0=, gw= to switch1 (linuxserver1)
eth1=without IP, as you grase hotspot installation manual 
says,=connected to 5 port switch2

Now, one AP, Bullet2hp having sector 17 DBI is conneted to switch2, and 
the clients around are able to connected to our grase-hostspot server, 
and the can surf the Internet without any problem.

I connected, one Bullet 5ghz AP with 30 dbi grid antenna (we will call 
it AP5ghz-1) to switch 2, and that antenna is connected to the other 
remote AP and same antenna (we will call it AP5ghz-2), 25 KM away, LOS 
is clear, and i can ping the remote AP without any losses,

Remote AP, AP5ghz-2, is then connected to 5 port switch3, and there are 
3 more 2.4ghz Bullet2HP APs with 17 DBI sector antennas connected to the 
same switch3,

Now if My AP5Ghz-1 Cable is conected in switch2, So the clients are 
getting IPs on their computers in the remote area, but they are not able 
to browse the Internet, they are getting error something "Gateway 
error", If I use to plug the cable of AP5Ghz-1 Cable in switch1, So then 
the people are able to browse with a normal speed, (because now the are 
connected to Linux-server 1).
I mean to say, if Grase-hotspot server not involved, so the Clients can 
brows, but if I am going to involve the Grase-hospot server, then 
Clients can not brows,
For temporary solutions i put one grase-hotspot server there in the 
remote Area, So now the clients can browse and authentication via grase  
is  also working.

I feel, I am not able to explain in a nice and professional way, but 
that is my level, I will try my level best to explain more if some one 
asking more detail



*                      			     *
*                Best Regards                *
*                         		     *
*            Muhammad Zubair Riaz            *
*        Computer  network Consultant        *
*               Linux + Windows              *
*              http://amazai.net             *
*              sa***r@gmail.com             *
*               966 544 43 0701              *
*              Saudi Arabia Jeddah           *
*                         		     *
*                            		     *

On 12/01/2012 04:03, GRASE Trac wrote:
> #44: Allow time based "specials"
> -----------------------------+-----------------
>   Reporter:  tim              |      Owner:  tim
>       Type:  defect           |     Status:  new
>   Priority:  major            |  Milestone:  3.9
> Component:  Admin Interface  |    Version:  3.6
>   Keywords:                   |
> -----------------------------+-----------------
>   i.e. Free WiFi day, would assist if we had auto create account via mac to
>   login straight away.
