2012-02-09 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Changes for grase-conf-squid3 - Force squid to use dnsmasq

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From: Johnny Solbu <so***u@solbu.net>
Message Hash: 01df0967a41243ed5438af2f7ec3798104d40ca1e4ee9029ffacad52c6756ba0
Message ID: <201202092332.37098.solbu@solbu.net>
Reply To: <4F3435A4.6060500@gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2012-02-09 15:32:32 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2012 23:32:32 +0100

Raw message

Let me start of by saying that I'm not complaning. 
I have a habit of thinking out loud, and sometimes people think that I critizise them or is angry, when I'm not.

In case I haven't been clear, I actually think this system is excellent and is just what the world need: A Free Software project targeted at enviroments who need network acountabilliy and security, which is easy to setup, configure and use, targeted at those who whould never use a proprietary solution.

So I'm asking these questions with the hope of making the project better. If the documentation get more clear or better because of my questions, then I have accoplished what I want: Making it better. A good software project have good documentation. :-)=

On Thursday 09 February 2012 22:07, Tim White wrote:
> I'm in the process of writing up a "Quick Start list" for sys admins, so 
> will look at including some of this information there as well. Part of 
> the Hotspots aim has always been to be a complete install requiring no 
> more tinkering of system stuff, just change things in the admin 
> interface to suit.

This is one of the things I think is a good thing to write something about, on your site.
Something about what promted you to make this, the motivations for it. Somehow that tells some users if this is something they are looking for.

> For example, Squid3 is required, Squid2 will not work 
> due to some things we use in squid3. In theory, any proxy server would 
> work, but supporting other servers is a lot of work.

This is something you also should say something about in a guide or installation instructions.
Some users will have an exitsting network setup and already do have a server which they are thinking of install this on like in my friend's case. Therefore it should say something about which components that are required for the system to work, and why they should use dnsmasq and why they need Your squid server build rather than the distro provided server, for example.

> I hope you don't feel like I'm trying to push my software preferences on 
> other system admins

No worries. :-)=
Like I said above, I'm thinking out loud, hoping to understand why you do things the way you do.

Understanding why something works the way it does is often what is needed to understand why one shouldn't change how it works. and your replies have been more enlightening to me, than the documentation I have been reading.

Keep up the good work. :-)=

Johnny A. Solbu
web site, http://www.solbu.net
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