2012-02-06 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Version 3.7 released

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From: “Pollington, Glyn” <Gl***n@hp.com>
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Reply To: <4F2AF9AF.2030406@gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2012-02-06 03:52:28 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2012 10:52:28 +0000

Raw message

Correction I did install openVPN the hostname is barn.hotspot.

I can configure a vpn client for my machines if that is what you need

Glyn Pollington
Microsoft Technology Group
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-----Original Message-----
From: Tim White [mailto:ti***8@gmail.com] 
Sent: 02 February 2012 21:02
To: GRASE Hotspot Mailinglist
Subject: [GRASE-Hotspot] Version 3.7 released

As some of you may have noticed, 3.7 was pushed to the repo a few days ago.
Changes are below.
Some features are only implemented as a basic feature for now, and will 
be expanded soon. For example, Admin levels currently don't have a gui 
for changing users, but the backend code has been written and is active. 
PDF Labels currently don't give you any options for label sizes as a gui 
page hasn't been written. (Feel free to submit label size settings for 
the labels you wish to use so I can include them, you'll find examples 
in the PDFLabels class).

You may also notice that group names may look odd in some pages, that's 
due to some sanitation of label names as certain chars break javascript 
and SQL queries (badly). If you have any groups that had spaces, or any 
char that wasn't alpha numeric, I recommend you delete it and recreate 
it, and move all users from the old group into the new one. This bug 
could prevent a user being logged out when the group limit is reached!


grase-www-portal (3.7.0) purewhite; urgency=low

   * Show available languages
   * Fix for Group Attributes being in radreply instead of radcheck
   * Allow ether Apache or Nginx as the webserver (new conf packages 
split out)
   * Multiple Admin levels
   * SQL Fix
   * Small fix for translated sections
   * PDF Printing instead of HTML printing for tickets
   * Include TCPDF Library for PDF creation
   * Small error handling fixes for non-interactive fixes
   * Able to pick network interfaces (WAN/LAN) in interface
   * Changed how groups are stored
   * Group Settings (MaxMb MaxTime) are applied at user creation time now
   * Bug fix that broke cron (non-interactive plus NULL value)
   * Bug fix, show '$Location Hotspot' when no Login Page Title is defined
   * Store group label and group name differently, group name is sanitised

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