2012-02-23 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] I would like to know if anyone else would need a functionality like this

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From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 792c3e2953cb3307f78c547811bfc0fb9ae53cb2a64c46cbc780398b31b7bc09
Message ID: <4F46CF1A.2060206@gmail.com>
Reply To: <7AAA4848E57842FC91E039A518AAFEE8@MedionPC>
UTC Datetime: 2012-02-23 16:43:22 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 09:43:22 +1000

Raw message

On 24/02/12 09:33, Hans van de Voorde wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just installed and put in test the grase hotspot. It is working 
> fine and it covers almost everything I was looking for.
> But as usual there is always something on our wish list.
> I'm not really using lease time, or data volume but I only have 
> subscriptions for a year (done by computer accounts, they are 
> automatic payments) and !! week subscriptions (visitors who stay from 
> 1 up to 3 weeks)
> I could register them as users and print a ticket for them, however 
> I'm not always available so I'm looking for an payment module.
> I have made a little setup which would work for me, but would like to 
> know if this would be also useful for other GraseHotSpot users (and 
> how they would like to have a functionality like this)
> I have attached a HTML page. Be careful not to complete a transaction. 
> Because you would actually transfer money to my account. (didn't know 
> how to sandbag it)
> As you can see it would be easy to use the same setup for someone who 
> want to buy time(limit) or Data(limit)
> Every different payment type could result in creation or update of an 
> user (within a group)
> please let me know your thoughts.
> Hans

This is actually a planned feature!
As part of the feature, I plan on adding a new table for recording all 
payment transactions (for record keeping) and also allowing you to make 
a "cash" payment when you create a user. (Not sure how to process that 
for batch users though).
The "groups" we currently have are going to be changed slightly, so that 
you can "sell" a group. This will be where you set a price.

(btw, paypal has an alternative url you can use for sandbagging).

My timeline for this was supposed to be in the next 2-3 weeks, however I 
have gotten caught up with other business this week and so have lost 
essentially a whole week. (And still have some server migration to do 
before the end of the month).

The current feature timeline is to cleanup the PDF tickets (allow 
customisations etc), then paypal payments. Suggestions of other payment 
gateways would be appreciated, so I can make it customisable.

Thanks for letting me know that it is a needed feature!

