2012-02-23 - [GRASE-Hotspot] I would like to know if anyone else would need a functionality like this

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From: Hans van de Voorde <ha***s@van-de-voorde.com>
Message Hash: f73f1826a41beb39f49d26e5ebe4ca8a08b9a446a77b25426728485d90454128
Message ID: <7AAA4848E57842FC91E039A518AAFEE8@MedionPC>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-02-23 16:33:46 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 00:33:46 +0100

Raw message


I have just installed and put in test the grase hotspot. It is working fine and it covers almost everything I was looking for.

But as usual there is always something on our wish list.

I’m not really using lease time, or data volume but I only have subscriptions for a year (done by computer accounts, they are automatic payments) and !! week subscriptions (visitors who stay from 1 up to 3 weeks)

I could register them as users and print a ticket for them, however I’m not always available so I’m looking for an payment module.

I have made a little setup which would work for me, but would like to know if this would be also useful for other GraseHotSpot users (and how they would like to have a functionality like this)

I have attached a HTML page. Be careful not to complete a transaction. Because you would actually transfer money to my account. (didn’t know how to sandbag it)

As you can see it would be easy to use the same setup for someone who want to buy time(limit) or Data(limit)

Every different payment type could result in creation or update of an user (within a group)

please let me know your thoughts.

