2012-03-28 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Disconnect Active User

Header Data

From: Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: c60b96ddfef098460e4ea706ed7c7c8f0906da9fedf4bfcc36f3db9021cfb852
Message ID: <CAESLx0+Jv4ggcRpZZ+DNJqFU1V8NaPon8BXtBB5szkpXD5JB7Q@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: <CAAnGMTGJAiQqtQev8srweVt9iw4tZLuY7mdx2739e097bpWbVQ@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2012-03-28 14:44:00 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 07:44:00 +1000

Raw message

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 9:05 PM, iii iii <ii***t@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Tim.
> I was talking about quota allowance, not bandwidth limit, sorry for the
> terms mix-up :)
> After doing a little poking about the radius tables I see that previously
> expired tickets have been somehow allocated a Max-Octets value of large
> numbers such as 18446744073709520803 and 9223372036854775808 in the radcheck
> table, regardless of the group they were in. The numbers vary quite a bit.
> I will manually correct these, but I think I will automatically archive
> expired accounts on expiry to prevent further issues (this has cost me quite
> a bit in "free" quota, as you may imagine).

This sounds like a 32bit overflow, although those numbers are so large
they are too big to even be an overflow. Are you using a 64bit machine
or a 32bit machine?
"Expired" users are deleted after a month from expiry. But I take it
you are also talking about accounts that have been used to completion,
before the expiry date.
I'd be interested in working out what's gone wrong. Can you send me
your backups (/var/backups/grase/, find the radius table backups, not
the radmin ones). If you could let me know which users have the issue,
and send me say a backup a week from the last 2-3 months? (Or if they
are small enough, zip/tar them all up and send me them all). Then I
can step through each backup and work out when something went wrong,
and try and work out if its the archival code or something else odd.

> I have added coaport to the chilli config files, but "netstat..." doesn't
> reveal the port in use by udp and "ps aux | grep chilli" doesn't reveal any
> coaport command-line option in use. I think I may have to do a dist-upgrade
> to get chilli updated properly.

I'm guessing it may be getting overwritten. I'll look more into this
once I get a new computer, because we need coaport to work for the
ticket #28.

