2012-03-27 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Disconnect Active User

Header Data

From: iii iii <ii***t@gmail.com>
Message Hash: f92333a64c7ec83b049613eae633c1e505721ae69a5185fc5d7d15a6da864eaf
Message ID: <CAAnGMTGrNGGnnYdsSYbpycgS2m4SbRdjLMtTe2i6_Nv4GyTdA@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: _N/A

UTC Datetime: 2012-03-27 08:44:57 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 17:44:57 +0200

Raw message

I have been having a lot of trouble lately with users greatly exceeding
their bandwidth allowance.
My desired solution would be to log out such accounts on a per-minute basis.

I have followed the steps listed on Ticket 28: Ability to disconnect active
users (http://trac.grasehotspot.org/ticket/28), but the command fails.
>>From the command-line I get the following:

$ sudo /bin/echo "User-Name=*blah123*" | /usr/bin/radclient -x disconnect *radsecret*
Sending Disconnect-Request of id 212 to port 3779
User-Name = "*blah123*"
Sending Disconnect-Request of id 212 to port 3779
User-Name = "*blah123*"
Sending Disconnect-Request of id 212 to port 3779
User-Name = "*blah123*"
radclient: no response from server for ID 212 socket 3

Googling the issue suggested I add udp port 3779 to my iptables, but that
still didn't work.

Has anyone else had success with this?
I would really appreciate the assist...

PS: sorry if this is duplicated - I am also struggling with mail clients on
my network.
