2012-07-24 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Remaining Data bug?

Header Data

From: Bob Hunt <bo***2@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 7df7401b158d478f99ebdebc865cc383b3e38240da56392138a95fa6eabed5eb
Message ID: <CAA-jMMTk3PrebQjqd39kJOOffuOeQzWHuLOP1D-Z+C0CXy6k4Q@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-07-24 08:43:21 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 01:43:21 +1000

Raw message

Hi Tim,

I installed grase-repo_1.3_all.deb onto a Ubuntu 11.10 server and I'm
generally very impressed. Thank you for all the great work.

I've been working on customizing Grase up to suit my needs and have found
what I think may be a bug which shows the wrong info in the "Remaining
Data" field of the ../grase/uam/mini page and also carries through to
prematurely cause the user to get shut out with a "Bandwidth Exceeded"
message. (I'd prefer it to say "Data Quota Exceeded" as I usually think of
bandwidth as a measure of throughput or speed).

I tracked down the issue to line 1124/5 of
/usr/share/grase/uam/js/chillilib.js, where changing both instances of
"chilliController.session.maxTotalOctets" to
"chilliController.user_details.monthlyusagelimit" seems to make it behave
(almost) properly. The issues I still see remaining after the change are
that when the data limit is exceeded, the data in the field shows up as
'unlimited' and the user is not disconnected and refused access until next
attempted login.

There is also what seems to be a copy of the same file located at
/usr/share/grase/uam/chillilib.js, but changing this file doesn''t seem to
have any effect on behaviour, but I guess it could affect behaviour in
places I haven't seen.

I see that grase-repo_1.4_all.deb is now available. I'm guessing that this
will simply install over the top of my existing Grase install, but that I'd
need to back up any customized file changes I've already made to my
existing install first.

Best Regards,

