2012-07-05 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Weird Bug I really Need Help

Header Data

From: “ABC Informatique (Dave)” <ab***c@abcinformatique.ca>
Message Hash: cef5d7a4dbde9d67686f1978ac63b979fbc13af79b401cfb9478b90f9e2c466c
Message ID: <007d01cd5aab$cb33a7c0$619af740$@ca>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-07-05 05:43:35 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2012 08:43:35 -0400

Raw message

.         To be clear about every website work #1 is Client connect to AP
get ip from hot spot in 10.1.0.X range after they login in their account and
they can access every website but google and facebook simply timeout . they
can ping and they receive answer from the website but its keep time out when
you try to access it we tried with google chrome and IE and same result.
You cant load it 1 time 100 times but if you tried to go on any other site
its working instantly.  It dont stop working its simply dont work at start
for these 2 sites.


.         I tried tracert them and i get same result as if im plug directly
in the router. The ping is good and low 30-70 ms in the 2 cases.  


.         Https version dont work too.


.         Like i said before if i plug a laptop directly to eth0 bypassing
the antenna system its working. But if i plug antenna system in router
directly its working too.


.         The timeout is blank white page and finish to say that they cannot
access this page


.         I have the first computer with over 100 accounts with logs of
everything that i can plug if you want to remote access to look whats wrong
with it.



 <http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=29497789> Re:
[GRASE-Hotspot] Weird Bug I really Need Help

From: Timothy White <timwhite88@gm...> - 2012-07-04 21:19

Hi Dave.
Let me try and make sure I'm understanding it correctly, so nothing is
getting lost in the English.
Firstly, the AP's are in bridge, so we don't need to worry about their
IP's. As can be seen, the campers get an ip in the range, and
the wireless bridge acts just like a network cable carrying layer 2
Now here is where I get lost a bit. Every website works #1? Do you
mean, that every website works the first time you access it, and then
after that the googles and facebook's stop working? Does google and
facebook work only for the first user, and then not for other uses?
Once it stops working, is there anything that does work? Can you ping
it. What about if you access the https version?
( <https://www.google.com%29/?> https://www.google.com)? Can you access the
https version from the
very start before everything breaks?
What I'd like to see you do, is connect the laptop via a cable to eth0
of the hotspot server, and see if it still stops working. If it does
stop working, let me know the session id in the admin interface, so I
can see what's in the squid logs for that session. (And the vpn ip
address again)
The timeout page, is it a squid timeout page, or browser timeout page?
Also, try setting your DNS server in the admin interface, to point to
your RT-N16 router, so DNS is consistent. It's possible that you are
getting DNS from external to Canada, but there being routing issues,
and your RT-N16 gives DNS internal to Canada which doesn't have
routing issues.
I'm going to confirm disabling squid, to take that out of the picture.
But seeing the squid logs for a session that doesn't work, will really
help. I'm a little worried it's actually a layer2 routing issue on the
wireless bridge, and while I'm planning on getting some Ubiquiti gear
myself in the future, I don't have any to test with currently. If the
problem doesn't exist when the laptop is plugged into eth0 of the
hotspot, it rules the hotspot out and we can try and work out what the
ubiquiti gear is doing wrong. Also, what is the distance the link

