2012-12-21 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Clients isolation

Header Data

From: Hector Blanco de Frutos <he***r@etelecom.es>
Message Hash: 4348a74893715b51d4d27bb036d8bb170a6a564e9e98ca60bdface28d2d73cb9
Message ID: <538892796.239625.1356081590109.JavaMail.root@etelecom.es>
Reply To: <1630182838.239341.1356081450990.JavaMail.root@etelecom.es>
UTC Datetime: 2012-12-21 02:19:50 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 10:19:50 +0100

Raw message

Hello, we have been using Grase for a couple of months. 
And we have a doubt regarding if it is possible to make client isolation: make that a 10.59.*.* client could not be able to see the other computers. 
You know if there is a way to achieve this with grase distribution. 

Thank you. 



Hector Blanco de Frutos 
C/ Llibertat, 13 baixos 
25005 Lleida 
