2012-12-29 - [GRASE-Hotspot] strange behavior

Header Data

From: Raed Zaro <ra***o@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 74c3ca83d4cafa27a0e907c1c857b39cc1c1e754e2ed021839a44d7f04a43922
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2012-12-29 13:18:56 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 22:18:56 +0200

Raw message

Dear All wish you all the best of the season may will blessed days bring
peace to every and each one of you


I installed grase hotspot and it worked fine till yesterday as I used my ISP
DNS but yesterday started to give me DNS error 


My network goes as follow 

SEVER - TP-LINK Router [DHCP enabled using same server IP] - Edimax Router
[DHCP enabled using same server IP] - then another edimax router had it own
DHCP Range

Each router had its own IP address 

Today I discovered that if I connect or any one connect to the third router
, and if any one is already logged in its no need to log in again and it
consider them all as single user..


The other issue I defined the download/upload limit for some users to 40GB
but when these users reach 4GB it give user alert that bandwidth exceeded 


Hope to hear from you all 
