2012-12-29 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] strange behavior

Header Data

From: Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: aa53863063d0eef71f5e808fd524b3ea005d702a18b0055810a2e9404dbf0e01
Message ID: <CAESLx0LvpdZNMjm0cVwjNZsy6yjp5q3_uL-Q5rr9Jv7crZWAPg@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2012-12-29 13:38:13 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2012 06:38:13 +1000

Raw message

On Dec 30, 2012 6:19 AM, "Raed Zaro" <ra***o@gmail.com> wrote:
> My network goes as follow
> SEVER – TP-LINK Router [DHCP enabled using same server IP] – Edimax
Router [DHCP enabled using same server IP] – then another edimax router had
it own DHCP Range
> Each router had its own IP address

Your problem is that you are doing Layer 3 routing instead of Layer 2. Each
"router" needs to act as a pure Access Point, with no ip routing occuring.
This means that you need to disable DHCP on all the routers, and any
firewalls and NAT. All the "router" should be doing is "bridging" the
wireless and wired networks at the Layer 2 level (Layer 3 is ip addresses,
Layer 2 is MAC addresses).

> Today I discovered that if I connect or any one connect to the third
router , and if any one is already logged in its no need to log in again
and it consider them all as single user….

What is happening here is that the router is "routing" instead of being an
access point, and so the grase server can't see the clients behind the
router, it instead sees the router as one client, and that one client
happens to invisibly share it's internet with all the clients connected to

> The other issue I defined the download/upload limit for some users to
40GB but when these users reach 4GB it give user alert that bandwidth

This has been fixed in the 3.7.7 dev version which is currently waiting for
more people to test it before I release it properly. Have a look back in
the list archives 2 weeks and you should find instructions on how to test
This was caused by a limitation in one of the other pieces of software
underneath the hotspot, so has been a major change, so all the testing we
can get is appreciated.

