2013-02-07 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] To be released NOW

Header Data

From: Bob Hunt <bo***2@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 9d1875e75ff2090befe1f9058948a2bc4d422e96834e93b0e06fb480d7ee41fa
Message ID: <CAA-jMMQPpJPfb-03q61KLob61jyKj59E9UEFq4ba0YmCQAZ5Jw@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-02-07 17:49:02 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2013 11:49:02 +1100

Raw message

Hi Tim,

Thanks for all the  work you are doing. Great job!!

> On 02/07/2013 03:59 AM, Tim White wrote:

>> If you are editing CORE files, please let me know which ones and why,
>> and we'll see how we can make it configurable instead.

Since you asked.....

I have a few modified files which I have to restore after each update:

I have a "terms and conditions" link on the users portal login page
(set up in "portal customisation") pointing to a html file containing
my hotspot terms. I've altered the "Login" button in
../uam/templates/portal.tpl to "Accept Terms and Login".  I've done
this because I feel more comfortable if users actively accept the
terms each time they login. A "tick this box to accept terms" checkbox
option would also work for me.

I've also edited the../radmin/edituser (php & tpl) pages to add extra
functions which;
* allow unexpired user's expiration to be reset to group expiration
* allow user's expiration to be set to a specific date entered as text
(in $userExpiration format)
* allow user's data usage to be reset to zero by archiving the user's
session history (via perl script)

I find it much easier to manage my monthly-expiration based users with
these functions added.

Also in edituser.php, I've removed the  "database_update_expirydate"
line from the "add data limit and "change data limit" functions as I
don't want the user's expiration_date to be reset when its the user's
data limit I'm changing.

Perhaps a single  "customised functions" button could be added to the
edituser page, which would take you to an alternative  edituser page
(if it exists) where customised  functions could reside and not be
overwritten on updating?

Thanks again,


