2013-03-12 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Setting Static IP’s to Hotspot hosts

Header Data

From: Pablo Arango Correa <pa***o@psl.com.co>
Message Hash: 2f53ffe976ab9ef7e78667768261fe69de38a372f6c89bf38a2b1041e550b8a3
Message ID: <B3927F11C872D64EAF092F537F1C37660EE323A3@jupiter.pslcol.com.co>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2013-03-12 15:08:23 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 22:08:23 +0000

Raw message

Good day,

At the company I work in, we need to deploy a WLAN across de office's building. Some of the devices we are working with are Access Points wich work great and have no problems. But some other are Wireless Router's which we need to create some subWLANs but we also need to  connect through Grase. What we need here is to be able to enter the router's management console from the Grase Hotspot network, therefore we need to set an static IP to each of the routers. From what I've seen and I know about Grase, it does not allow, and somehow it blocks hosts IPs that are not between the DHCP range, for example: If I set the DHCP range to be between the offset 50 - 100, I can not set the "WAN" IP address to a X.X.X.2, Grase seems to cut firewall communication to those hosts out of the DHCP range.

How can I work this around? Is there any known configuration which would let me set static IP's to some hosts?

