2013-05-09 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] #85: Ability to set DHCP range

Header Data

From: GRASE Trac <tr***c@grasehotspot.org>
Message Hash: c3b031abf081c4b6fad22c0e1f8ff5b12d90cda1d2592732a66c6989751ab724
Message ID: <061.ca3a7c857221026324e2ebf7d019ce40@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <046.7ca88778aca5a530deb9a0c6bb011e70@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2013-05-09 20:38:16 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 03:38:16 -0000

Raw message

#85: Ability to set DHCP range
  Reporter:  peter boon    |      Owner:  tim
      Type:  enhancement   |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  critical      |  Milestone:  3.9
 Component:  Coova Chilli  |    Version:  3.7
Resolution:  fixed         |   Keywords:

Comment (by tim):

 Replying to [comment:3 daarul uluum lido]:
 > could i specific ip range per group. ?
 > example for group Student -
 >                   teacher -
 > etc.
 This isn't possible because IP addresses are handed out before the client
 logs in so no group information is available. And you can't change a
 clients IP at login.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.grasehotspot.org/ticket/85#comment:4>
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