2013-10-30 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] group blocking unblocking?

Header Data

From: Drazen <dr***a@radez.hr>
Message Hash: c6a1c21e33db24edef5b4bb9a7cd01f37eaefacfa6dd3858ef6630ef21857cc8
Message ID: <5270B7E2.6010306@radez.hr>
Reply To: <CAESLx0+OQoiiZnMR872hQjw3HvKrM7Cq-pEDOge+75dCBZ9sUw@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-10-30 00:40:18 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:40:18 +0100

Raw message

On 30.10.2013 6:10, Timothy White wrote:
> ......
> I think in this situation you need to give all the users individual 
> logins, and in the groups you want for disconnect/reconnect. You can 
> then edit the group to have a login time of 'Never' that prevents them 
> from logging in. Then when you want them to login, remove the login 
> time for that group, and they'll be able to login again. With a simple 
> restart of the chilli process each time, you'll kick all users off and 
> force them to relogin.
If this works as described it is good.
Assume then that this way is possible to change any group setable 
attribute for whole group of existing users.
Previously I inderstood that group settings is used by creating new user 
(or batch) only and that is no further user editting possible other then 
Please confirm.
