2013-10-29 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] group blocking unblocking?

Header Data

From: Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: ecde2b75ba844e183903596fcde766f615f91134159416b258bae3d6d2aba85c
Message ID: <CAESLx0+OQoiiZnMR872hQjw3HvKrM7Cq-pEDOge+75dCBZ9sUw@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: <E1Van5p-0008WQ-C8@sfs-ml-3.v29.ch3.sourceforge.com>
UTC Datetime: 2013-10-29 22:10:16 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 15:10:16 +1000

Raw message

As someone already stated elsewhere, if they are already logged on, there
is currently no easy way to "kick them off" except to restart coova chilli
after you make changes to prevent them logging in.

In reality, the computer accounts are all currently in 1 group. You can in
theory create computer accounts in any group by using a username of the
correct format, and the password as the "MAC Auth Password" in coova chilli
settings page. However, computer accounts only login at DHCP time, so this
probably doesn't help you.

I think in this situation you need to give all the users individual logins,
and in the groups you want for disconnect/reconnect. You can then edit the
group to have a login time of 'Never' that prevents them from logging in.
Then when you want them to login, remove the login time for that group, and
they'll be able to login again. With a simple restart of the chilli process
each time, you'll kick all users off and force them to relogin.

As for friendly display of MAC address. I hear you. I currently use the
comment field for this, but maybe we can look into that in the future.


On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Wood, Darren

>  Sorry I should have posted mac addresses and not IP addresses:****
> ** **
> 1) I would like to stop or filter out a  group of mac addresses from
> getting online but be able to give them access again when I want them to do
> research.  ****
> I would like to be able to turn their internet connection on and off from
> the admin interface?****
> ** **
> 2) Also is there a way to give mac addresses a friendly name that can be
> seen easily from the admin interface page, ****
> I always find if hard to work out who is who just by the mac address?****
> ** **
> ** **
> On 23.10.2013 14:28, Wood, Darren wrote:****
> >** **
> > Is there away to send up a group for my students (using their ip****
> > address) that I can setup and be able to turn their internet ****
> > connection on and off from the admin interface?****
> >** **
> > Thanks****
> >** **
> > Daz Wood****
> ** **
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