2014-04-14 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Slight problem with static IPs for clients

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From: iii <ii***t@gmail.com>
Message Hash: c111a4e1608e0126148af5bb62a7ed09e180898e38441d2ee9b095559204a1e7
Message ID: <534BC8C6.5020804@gmail.com>
Reply To: <f01140ce-9350-471a-b71a-d5b829f8dad2@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2014-04-14 04:38:46 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 13:38:46 +0200

Raw message

On 11/04/2014 15:20, John Crisp wrote:
> On Friday, 11 April 2014 09:31:13 UTC+2, iii wrote:
>     Hi Tim
>     I need to set up static IPs for a couple of machines on my
>     network, so I
>     have set the upper DHCP limit to 240 (using the radmin interface),
>     but
>     after a reboot Grase does not honour addresses outside of that range.
>     By "not honour" I mean that the PCs cannot ping and they
>     have
>     no internet access.
>     I have been careful to assign the correct netmask ( and
>     broadcast ( addresses.
>     Is there some step I have overlooked?
> DNS and default route ?
> What are the complete settings for the machines ?
> B. Rgds
> John
The DNS (from resolv.conf) is and the gateway is correctly set 
I am doing this via the command line as the clients have old versions of 
Ubuntu on them with buggy network managers, so I simply run the 
following in /etc/rc.local:

     dhclient -r
     ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
     route add default gw

Obviously I make it 242 for the next machine, etc.

In order to make it work in the interim I have simply set them back to 
DHCP and added an alias for the desired static IP address.
These are machines that I have had working with DHCP for ages.

By "complete settings" what do you mean?

