2014-04-10 - OK I need guidance..

Header Data

From: to***n@gmail.com
Message Hash: c7a8dfbc12b256af0ea54a26e542fd33a81b4b05a528271320729d36f56ccb76
Message ID: <9fe35ee6-f42b-413a-a2f6-de840e59ce20@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2014-04-10 10:31:31 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 10:31:31 -0700

Raw message

I built a grase hotspot server and tested it in one location without 
issues.  Now I went o move it to it's real home and had the following 

1) when the server came up and I logged in I had two tun's tun0 and tun1 
but no ethx
2) Rebooted it again and It showed me eth1 and tun0 but the eth1 had no 
address information

I went into interfaces and made sure the information was there stopped and 
started the network but had not internet access.

1) Without rebuilding the server, where do I setup the WAN interface? 
 Should I add the tun0?
2) the tun0 is serving the address.  If I want to remotely 
administer the box should I access the box via the WAN address? or should I 
change the tun to my local address like 192.168.10.x?

last question:  I have the hotspot server between a switch and a cable 
modem replacing a router I had there.  Is this a correct setup?

I apologize for being a supreme noob but I like to learn.

BTW THANK YOU for the GRASE!!!  It is awesome software.
