2014-07-23 - New “Nightly” repository!

Header Data

From: Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: c3c3da2467590d3d9c74de2a20a58195d5bcfd2ecf3e881215cfb469228b2f43
Message ID: <CAESLx0KPR87JUDfzwtdO5fUU4d2u2EYGgNaSCFND04=RLYV9HA@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2014-07-23 15:48:17 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 08:48:17 +1000

Raw message

To assist with getting things moving and tested, I'm starting a nightly
repository. To make it clear, that means we have 3 repositories, stable,
dev and nightly.

Stable is the latest stable release, which currently supports Ubuntu 12.04
and I believe from memory, Debian 6

Dev is where the next stable packages are released first, so that we can
have a wider testing audience as we come up to a release. These packages
should be exactly the same as what ends up in stable.

Lastly is nightly, which is a new repository containing nightly builds from
the git repository. There is no guarantee that the packages are going to
work, and could break things badly. However, it's the best place to get
packages when you want to test new things in the git repository. Currently,
it's not truly nightly, I still manually build the packages, however it's
close to being automated so that they can truly be nightlies.  It also is
aimed at Debian 7, which should work on Ubuntu 14.04. It may work work on
Ubuntu 12.04, however no Ubuntu testing has been done.

Please ensure if you are using nightlies and something is broken, you
report it to the list so it can be fixed.

The apt source lines are as follows. (Update
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/grasehotspot.list with the correct name)

deb http://packages.grasehotspot.org/ purewhite main
deb http://dev.packages.grasehotspot.org/ purewhite main
deb http://nightly.packages.grasehotspot.org/ purewhite main

You'll also notice that the repository signing key has recently been
updated, so you may get key warnings when you try to use the repositories.
You'll want to install the latest grase-repo package to ensure the latest
key is installed.

Thanks. Happy Testing!

