2014-07-24 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] New “Nightly” repository!

Header Data

From: John Crisp <jc***p@safeandsoundit.co.uk>
Message Hash: f3c3ccb9d397beaad613239ace9ad6e4c5e05afb16f0c4ef7c08851e0b3a5b78
Message ID: <53D10A4F.9000000@safeandsoundit.co.uk>
Reply To: <CAESLx0+StE-3X_26VnrqZRDFFZTfUW0K8NOx2d9cYFzhRWARcw@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2014-07-24 06:29:51 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 15:29:51 +0200

Raw message

On 24/07/14 13:57, Timothy White wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 7:22 PM, John Crisp <jc***p@safeandsoundit.co.uk
>     First tried apt-get update but no new packages showed.
> Do apt-cache policy grase-www-portal to see if it actually picks it up.
> It won't offer it as an update if it can't satisfy dependencies, which
> is certainly what's happening due to smarty3. Can you pull the smarty3
> package from 12.10 or something? 

I thought it should pick it up from the repo but show unsatisfied deps
when it tries to install ?

Ahhhh. it's picked it up now. Complains about no smarty3 but you can use

sudo apt-get -f install to force it.

I'll have a look for a smarty3 deb - couldn't find one before - but my
poor eyesight is legendary ;-)

Seems that all the Quantal 12.10 repos have gone - maybe someone knows
where there are old ones ?

Just tried the Trusty 14.04 version 3.1.13 which seems to install OK


Will test later.

>     Clicking the 'Open Status' button brings up another login page, not the
>     status.
> Whoops, fixed. 

Cool - will test

>     Nothing to tell you to 'carry on' or direct you to the page you were
>     first looking at unlike the previous version (which was very handy)
> I've added a popup under the successful login message. Not sure how to
> best do that, I've done lots of work on just the look of the initial
> login, not as much work on the after login.

KK - I think before it directed you to the page you were after or gave
you a link to it - that would be good. People are dumb and will just sit
and wait expecting something to happen !

>     No way to easily bookmark the Logut page (as in previous version)
> I've been trying to remove as much "clutter" as possible. You can add
> things back in via the portal customisation section in the admin.
> However, it might be good to make that one an easy toggle on off to show
> the bookmark link.

Yes, that would be good - I think it is important they can get back to
the page easily when/if they need too.

>     Opera did not work (and I use that most !) - wonder if it is to do with
>     it using a non standard port to grab stuff off their servers ? Any idea
>     how I can trace that - e.g netstat ?
> Not sure why it's not working for you. Is that mobile or desktop Opera?
> I just tried Opera in windows and that appears to work fine.

Mobile Opera. I think it proxies everything off them to help speed it
up, and I can't see a way to disable it. I'll try and have a look at
what it is doing.

>     Did note a lot of these in /var/log/apache2/error.log :
>     [Thu Jul 24 10:02:10 2014] [error] [client] Request exceeded
>     the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error.
>     Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use
>     'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace., referer:
> I've not seen those errors, so might need to have another poke and see.
> It may be an older Apache version causing these problems.

A quick Google (should have done it before) for "Request exceeded the
limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error"
reveals it is usually a problem with .htaccess


"Is most likely re-injecting a changed request URI over and over again
which could cause such an internal redirect error."

Needs a small change to .htaccess to prevent looping.

Not my speciality (what is ?!)

> Thanks for the initial feedback. New build is currently being uploaded.
> It may be useful for all future feedback to let me know the installed
> version you are on, as it's now so easy for me to do a build, I'm
> building more often. (just apt-cache policy grase-www-portal is enough)

Sorry - should have done that - my bad

Currently on


Will try the new version in a while.

B. Rgds
