2014-09-13 - Re: Grase Hotspot as WIFI Hotstpot remote deployment thru Internet connectivity

Header Data

From: Bill C <je***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 3f427673f9e0c37ccfef93f78d97a7af8181016a33fe79bc28d40b2ace3753da
Message ID: <367609d2-eda0-419e-aab8-174425458757@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <49d6156c-75b1-4231-93b3-0cc486870665@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2014-09-13 16:28:38 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 16:28:38 -0700

Raw message

Hi Tim,

Thank you for the information. I will be looking forward for this feature 
and I hope someone will soon contribute a codes for this.


On Sunday, September 14, 2014 6:56:06 AM UTC+8, Bill C wrote:
> Hi, 
> I would like to seek assistance on how I can setup Grase Hotspot to deploy 
> remote WIFI device and connect to Grase server. The setup will be similar 
> to hotspotsystem.com that you can control the WIFI device with admin 
> portal and the wifi devices are deployed in different location not just 
> where the server is located. I need to deploy the wifi device and connect 
> it to Internet and control the Wifi device. Is this setup possible with 
> Grase Hotspot? Thank you in advance and appreciate so much for those who 
> can help me  with details of the setup. 
> Thanks! Bill..
