2014-09-13 - Grase Hotspot as WIFI Hotstpot remote deployment thru Internet connectivity

Header Data

From: Bill C <je***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 7a5587e4b64159b53b6c6836e076e515e71c5c616d33fbfd7e8855e14b627d0e
Message ID: <49d6156c-75b1-4231-93b3-0cc486870665@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2014-09-13 15:56:06 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 15:56:06 -0700

Raw message


I would like to seek assistance on how I can setup Grase Hotspot to deploy 
remote WIFI device and connect to Grase server. The setup will be similar 
to hotspotsystem.com that you can control the WIFI device with admin portal 
and the wifi devices are deployed in different location not just where the 
server is located. I need to deploy the wifi device and connect it to 
Internet and control the Wifi device. Is this setup possible with Grase 
Hotspot? Thank you in advance and appreciate so much for those who can help 
me  with details of the setup. 

Thanks! Bill..
