2014-11-10 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Routing/DNS problem

Header Data

From: Dražen Žuvela <dr***a@radez.hr>
Message Hash: 055eba6ba5244ce48df1df432a48ed092dd0902b58e5f4486587b87520f5d6b9
Message ID: <5460749D.3060101@radez.hr>
Reply To: <545FEBA0.50705@neon-john.com>
UTC Datetime: 2014-11-10 01:17:33 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 09:17:33 +0100

Raw message

Hi Neonjohn,
I admit that your terminology regarding network devices fooling me a bit.
Satmodem  - this device should be a router actually. If it is not you 
should put one here at the very first network point in order to protect 
"home" network. This should act as router, gateway, DHCP, DNS, NAT, FW 
for your internal network.
If you said that NAS would be exposed there, so Lab-machine is exposed 

HUB - haven't seen one since 10Mb/s networking. Guess it is a switch 
actually, but less important here.

Router which is acting as switch!? Well I see wasting the power here, 
and probably complicating set up. That something is missing in set up 
here is very likely. Pure switch will do a job without a doubt. What I 
am suspecting here is that your router-switch has to have LAN ports IP 
assigned as well. Also, all lans should be part of one vlan with single 
IP.  I am not sure if you can get it working as pure switch at all.

I can suggest you once again a bit modified suggestion. If there is no 
router at satmodem side, move your router (wich acts as switch now) at 
the SAT side. Connect it's wan to satmodem, and the rest of network to 
switch ports. Setup router to act as router,GW,DHCP,DNS,FW and connect 
NAS and GRASE to it. Your "HUB" move to Grase LAN side and you should go.

Let back to your main problem. When you were assigning manually static 
IP to NAS, have you assigned mask, gateway and DNS data as well.   respectively.
If you did, I am very suspicious to your router-switch setup.

Suggestion for protected NAS,  look for "freenas" excellent freeBSD 
based distribution.

Dana 9.11.2014. 23:33, NeonJohn je napisao:
> On 11/09/2014 02:53 AM, drazen wrote:
>> Hi Neojohn
>> how about to move your NAS to other side?
>> From:
>>                                                   +--AP
>> satmodem----lab machine running grase---router---+--My Linux desktop
>>                                                   +--NAS
>>                                                   +--laptop
>> To:
>>                                                       +--AP
>> satmodem----sw--lab machine running grase---router---+--My Linux desktop
>>               |                                       +--laptop
>>               NAS
>> Since this is your own illustration above I am not sure what "router"
>> there is doing. Suppose it should be a switch. And now another one
>> according my suggestion.
> I actually have a 4 port hub between the sat modem and the lab machine.
>   I put that in so I could sniff the satmodem stream to find the
> bandwidth hogs before I discovered Grase.  So it won't be a big deal to
> move the NAS as you suggest.  The only problem is that security on the
> NAS is practically non-existent so I don't want it exposed to the net.
> I really need to get to the root of the problem and get the lab machine
> to properly deal with static addresses.
> The router in my diagram is really an 8 port switch.  I don't make a
> whole lot of distinction between the two when I'm not using the WAN port
> of the router - they do essentially the same thing.
> I didn't draw my whole network which includes several more laptops plus
> the laptop of a long term guest.  We want them to stay DHCP so that they
> don't have to be tinkered with when one of them leaves the house and
> connects to another hotspot.  But we also want them to always have the
> same IP address when on my net.  The reserved DHCP functionality is
> exactly what we need - we just need to figure out how to achieve it.
> I still haven't figured out where to start looking.  Any tips would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> John
