2014-11-11 - Group Inheriting problem

Header Data

From: nazanin behroozian <na***n@gmail.com>
Message Hash: 93007fc01b0e8624608ec9e5ba8040427907029438ba0dcfa3f430a2ea685c9f
Message ID: <CAH9wN0r6zExK310GM-TEEmzjgbQiUtJg24Q9zQ3=uTiED7jq0Q@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2014-11-11 04:45:39 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 15:15:39 +0330

Raw message

Hello All :

Thank you Tim for the great software and everyday developments
I am using the software on one university with more than 300 users who
connect to the software everyday.
The problem is :
I have created different groups such as teachers , student, staff , ....
some reasons make me change the data and time limits , is there any way to
apply this change to all existing users ? applying this change user by user
is very difficult as in a university the members are more than 300 .

also one suggestion I have is adding a search bar in the users page ,
especially when the numbers are high finding a specific user in a sepcific
page is very difficut.
Thank you again
Nazanin behroozian
