2014-11-28 - Re: Grase stable + Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS server + USB network

Header Data

From: Sai <sa***i@emeraldtechs.net>
Message Hash: b1249a4578293fe23cc898e3fd1c03bb690b58b72e7cac692861771c0117d3bd
Message ID: <325fd25b-9b03-472a-be28-43ae1f8db3d7@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <ff98c123-6527-4c2b-b8bf-d95a9c3a0e59@grasehotspot.org>
UTC Datetime: 2014-11-28 14:36:36 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 13:36:36 -0800

Raw message

So, no worries on the help at this point. The problems were arising from 
the WRT54GL I guess, I can't seem to get it in a usable AP state where it 
will connect clients but still communicate with the grase software. 
The config is running stable at this point using an actual AP and prior to 
this I had not installed a switch. I am still interested in learning more 
about the setup and configuration of the portal page and client settings 
Is your code for the new updated page with better mobile support available 
to download and replace the stable version portal? 

Thanks for your time Tim, hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.

