2014-11-26 - Grase stable + Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS server + USB network

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From: Sai <sa***i@emeraldtechs.net>
Message Hash: ffffea1c5971a51548ec32f015fd3fd8cc949c4ea2c88371d7df622b07c76908
Message ID: <ff98c123-6527-4c2b-b8bf-d95a9c3a0e59@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2014-11-26 17:38:11 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 16:38:11 -0800

Raw message

Installing Ubuntu, following all instructions on Ubuntu install and "Grase 
Installation" page, found that you have to use this command before apt-get 
update as you end up with "failed to fetch" and "hash sum mismatch" errors


sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
sudo apt-get update


ok, so I have this setup:

2 modems into 2 routers (high speed and low speed internet services)
going into 1 network, different gateways on both routers to select manually 
otherwise everything is DHCP on the slow speed net but same LAN
I have lan cable going into an MSI netbox onboard LAN, 
installed Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS Server
USB network card going to a NETGEAR switch, 
switch goes to a WRT54GL with : DD-WRT v24-sp2 (08/07/10) std
WAN turned off, DHCP turned off, wifi security disabled
Ethernet cable from switch going into lan port not WAN port. 

Grase install goes well, doesn't serve IP's to router so devices that 
connect to it get a 169.254 erroneous ip..

Had this working a few times before when I hadn't changed the Router 
settings, it was dishing out DHCP but the Grase was overriding it and 
serving 10.1.0.x IP's, seems like once I configured the router to the 
recommended settings it no longer worked, additionally anytime I rebooted 
the server or used "/etc/init.d/networking restart" after a fresh and 
functioning install the /grase/admin and grase landing page for captive 
portal was no longer reachable as if the line between the router and the 
machine was gone... I could get a response from saying that the 
"server was working" but Grase no longer responded after a reboot... 

Tried various things including ifdown && ifup on eth0 (when performed on 
eth1 it simply stated it wasn't configured", tried manual settings on both 
adapters using "sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces" (ie: setting eth0 to a 
static IP and eth1 as manual) 

never messed with any config files in chilli, grase, freeradius, squid, or 
any of that. Not too familiar with those and despite other's success in 
meddling with these files I figured it would be better to ask than to 
dabble in that which I do not fully understand. 

Thanks for setting up an awesome Hotspot interface Tim, I look forward to 
using it once I understand the eccentricities of the proper setup. not sure 
about the nightly as I have not been able to get it to work as of yet, I 
get errors installing www-portal, freeradius, squid3, openvpn.... it gives 
me some phooey about "you have held broken packages"  granted this attempt 
at setup was in 14.04 LTS gui but I installed tasksel and installed SSH and 
LAMP, installed the grase-repo and pointed the apt repo list to the 
nightly.packages.grasehotspot.org as instructed on the nightly build 
install page,  perhaps I'm missing some steps before install of the grase 
packages but I have not found anything else on my travels about the 
internet trying to track down the "perfect install" of the nightly grase 

I am satisfied with the stable version if I could just get it to actually 
be "stable" LOL, please help me out, I am all self taught on Linux and 
though I am a total noob I learn quick and have no issues with following 

Thanks in advance. 

