2014-11-25 - Does Firewall and Accounting exist?

Header Data

From: Klas Mattsson <an***h@gmail.com>
Message Hash: b6c86d19e15d78d1ab2775571f44f99c6b162e2503d2614e4f9db3ca37e80146
Message ID: <9c8451a6-caca-46f0-819c-60cf87c94b44@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2014-11-25 03:57:41 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 02:57:41 -0800

Raw message


I am currently looking for good hotspot solutions and this one looks like 

1: Am I correct in that there is no built-in way for firewall-options in 
Meaning, you have to manage the firewall separate from Grase?
Either from within ubuntu or through a dedicated firewall?

2: Accounts seem fairly limited in their setup unless I'm mistaken?
Preferably I would like to set prices and BW on an account, then create a 
user with those default settings.
It looks like groups is probably the way to handle bandwidth, but price 
seems to not be handled at all.
This would mean that prices would have to be handled entirely separate from 
Grase, correct?
