2016-01-28 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Overall status

Header Data

From: Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: f066524afd7ead9ca45aef59aa54472645dd54ec375d2f6ac8e2702117838e94
Message ID: <CAESLx0K93aa5+0ZEGX0PmxmGbMVk06DwpUnXVGGzCDx0zKLcEw@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: <56AABF06.3060104@neon-john.com>
UTC Datetime: 2016-01-28 18:47:23 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 11:47:23 +1000

Raw message

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 11:23 AM, NeonJohn <jg***d@neon-john.com> wrote:

> > I would personally go a 2 step approach.
> > First, upgrade the Grase install to the latest, this will ensure all
> > database upgrades are run.
> So 3.8 will install on 12.04?  I had the notion in my mind that it would
> not.  Good to know.

It should work. I have done tests to make sure, but my testing has been
focused on 14.04 and Debian 7/8.

> Then take a database dump (both the radius and
> > radmin databases). Obviously checking that these dumps are correct is
> > critical. There is a daily backup in /var/backups/grase, so maybe take a
> > copy from there as well.
> Taking a database dump (at the database outhouse? :-), is that a Grase
> GUI function or do I have to dig down and learn something about how
> Grase works?
> This time of year (this is a trout fishing resort), the system is pretty
> inactive so would I be safe just grabbing the newest /var/backups/grase
> files?

If you aren't worried about "todays" data, just grab the /var/backups/grase
file. Probably still a good idea to check the data is valid. A database
dump is a mysqldump command to export the entire database, structure and
data. There are 2 databases, radius and radmin.

> > Then install your new server, and setup Grase. Lastly, restore the
> database
> > dumps to the new server.
> >
> > This will get you a new clean server, with no cruft, and your users
> > database. If you can, please avoid desktop installs of Ubuntu, and go for
> > server installs.
> That turned my head.  I've been running the GUI all this time with
> 12.04.  Is there something to trip me up in 14.04?  I would otherwise be
> running the Gnome retro desktop.

I tell people to avoid the Gui, as that avoids Network Manager being
installed, which causes the most issues. If you need the GUI, that's fine,
there are just some extra steps for Network Manager in the install the

> >
> > Looking forward to hearing how things go. Give a shout if you need more
> > help.
> Thanks.  It may be a couple of weeks before I give it a shot.  Trying to
> get product out the door right now.

No problem.

