2016-01-28 - Re: [GRASE-Hotspot] Overall status

Header Data

From: NeonJohn <jg***d@neon-john.com>
Message Hash: f21fba6690be5f072f9ba97bb9990466504a551c5be13812293ca83ff78b7418
Message ID: <56AABF06.3060104@neon-john.com>
Reply To: <CAESLx0+TOPp1tzGGKEHQMD4y3HcjJRrWvReBQt5z2sq0_5u1nQ@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2016-01-28 18:23:18 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 20:23:18 -0500

Raw message

On 01/28/2016 04:18 PM, Timothy White wrote:
> Hi John
> In theory, you can just do an Ubuntu upgrade to 14.04, then follow the
> install steps for the latest stable version, which should reinstall
> anything that is removed during the upgrade. The database should remain
> intact.
> However, a new install is a great idea as well. What version of Grase do
> you currently have installed?


> I would personally go a 2 step approach.
> First, upgrade the Grase install to the latest, this will ensure all
> database upgrades are run. 

So 3.8 will install on 12.04?  I had the notion in my mind that it would
not.  Good to know.

Then take a database dump (both the radius and
> radmin databases). Obviously checking that these dumps are correct is
> critical. There is a daily backup in /var/backups/grase, so maybe take a
> copy from there as well.

Taking a database dump (at the database outhouse? :-), is that a Grase
GUI function or do I have to dig down and learn something about how
Grase works?

This time of year (this is a trout fishing resort), the system is pretty
inactive so would I be safe just grabbing the newest /var/backups/grase
> Then install your new server, and setup Grase. Lastly, restore the database
> dumps to the new server.
> This will get you a new clean server, with no cruft, and your users
> database. If you can, please avoid desktop installs of Ubuntu, and go for
> server installs.

That turned my head.  I've been running the GUI all this time with
12.04.  Is there something to trip me up in 14.04?  I would otherwise be
running the Gnome retro desktop.

> Looking forward to hearing how things go. Give a shout if you need more
> help.

Thanks.  It may be a couple of weeks before I give it a shot.  Trying to
get product out the door right now.


John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
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