2016-05-24 - dhcp lease pool after default install

Header Data

From: christopher <me***e@pc-networking-services.com>
Message Hash: a08b44fdd2acac778a0ff473c9e2d8a3cf731186e90f90fcba670dcb37d23db6
Message ID: <48630296-537e-4fff-9a92-234766cea8a2@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2016-05-24 01:24:57 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 24 May 2016 01:24:57 -0700

Raw message


After attempting to get daloradius, freeradius, mysql and dhcp to work 
nicely together I discovered grasehotspot so I did a fresh install of 
Debian Jessie.  No desktop just LAMP and ssh server.

After installing gracehotspot the admin url etc is, so I had 
assumed that this is the range that would hand out ip addresses.  After 
people failing to obtain an ip address I checked the iptables --list and it 
showed all the forwarding rules with the range as you would 
expect.  What I did not expect and really would appreciate knowing where in 
the config files to find it, is that for some bizzar reason it was 
allocating ip addresses in the range.

I ended up changing the ip address on the wireless router to the 10.0.0.x 
range, and having to change the default settings used for the 

The setup we have here is that there is an tplink wireless router on the 
wall (dhcp is disabled on it so no dhcp there) with the ethernet cable 
plugged into a straight ethernet port rather than the wan port.  This then 
goes to the server and plugs into eth1.  Eth0 goes to another tplink 
gigabit wireless router that is plugged into the Fibre access point.  
Wireless is turned off for this device.  

I had a poke around in the mysql database using phpmyadmin but was not able 
to find it there.

As previous people have mentioned, the re-directs to the login page were 
not working here either.  We are a backpackers and have people with 
tablets, iphones, mac's windows pc's android phones of various ages all 
behaving the same way.

I downloaded the fixed version of coova-chilli and it started working.

The one thing that is not working, and I would like it to, is that on the 
dhcp leases page nothing is shown there.  It all gets posted to syslog.  
What file do I need to change in order to make the leases show up there?


