2017-01-24 - State of Grase and Ubuntu 16.04

Header Data

From: Timothy White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: c89562ad75695ff9e408b9fe18dc033e0115a6f14fc2d5ff7eb97b6922529c2f
Message ID: <CAESLx0+JmGtOJ3hz6PiirCro9mw5J=SFOGFct+uS9QiC7ue45A@mail.gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2017-01-24 05:06:21 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 22:06:21 +1000

Raw message

I was hoping to release updated package's for Ubuntu 16.04 later this week.
However, after working through getting all the dependencies correctly
packaged, and building new repositories for Ubuntu 16.04, I've hit a major
Due to the upgrade to PHP7, the database library that was being used is not
compatible with PHP7 (even though it seems to claim it is, it's an old

For now, I've put enough time into trying to get this to work, that I'm
going to turn my efforts back to the rewrite of the database code instead,
as this will allow us to move forward in a much better way, instead of
relying on the old database code.

This means there will be no 3.8.0 release on Ubuntu 16.04, instead we'll be
waiting for the next major release.

I'm sorry about this setback, I was really hopefully I could do the minor
changes (Apache 2.4, Squid 3.5, etc), and buy us more time.


