2018-02-11 - call broker while login process

Header Data

From: Stephan Stein <st***w@googlemail.com>
Message Hash: cedc05399928f8475fa7f91e4fa51933220cad2caaedbde036fd1f233768f389
Message ID: <a5d115d7-962f-444c-8ad5-9ffe557f2acd@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2018-02-11 14:15:05 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2018 13:15:05 -0800

Raw message

Hi Tim

Can you give me a little support, for my problem.
I have to ask an other system: „is the user still there?“
Let me explain.
I have an „main-system“ with users and additional passwords, group membership and vailid dates. To get that informations, I‘m able to use a webservice. 
In my case I would like to use an python broker to get this Infos. 
So what‘s my idea? 
The user start on the landingpage an enter his/her user id and pass. After the click on the login button, I want to start a python script which request information about that user(from main system) 
Can you say me, at what point (which file) I have to modify, to start my broker?

Best regards from Germany
