2018-09-13 - Re: “Patreon” supporting!

Header Data

From: christopher <me***e@pc-networking-services.com>
Message Hash: a12ecc69f5ebed58bb613db9eb8ed67491a8b88837224535eed1941f92ce9448
Message ID: <ac6c47b4-15d6-46a9-b565-902c425030c4@grasehotspot.org>
Reply To: <CAESLx0KLQ_9vddJ1EHjh_k1j8gmBx9qSe7NPVqMYKBoybsH96Q@mail.gmail.com>
UTC Datetime: 2018-09-13 19:00:45 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2018 19:00:45 -0700

Raw message

On Sunday, 22 July 2018 00:31:04 UTC+12, timwhite88 wrote:
> As promised at the start of the year, I would investigate Patreon and 
> alternatives so that people can regularly support me to work on the Grase 
> Hotspot.
> The donations page (https://grasehotspot.org/donations/) has now been 
> updated with links to Patreon, a bitcoin address, paypal details, and now, 
> Stripe donations!
> The stripe form allows both once off and monthly donations, so if you want 
> to "patreon" support me for the lowest fee's, Stripe is the answer! I'll 
> even give them the same perks a patreon support would get.
> If we can get enough regular support, I can start trading a normal "day 
> job" work day a month to work on the hotspot. The more support, the more 
> time I can work on it!
> I'm still hopeful to have the PHP 7 rewrite version out before the end of 
> the year, so fingers crossed we can keep moving forwards!
> Regards
> Tim

Hello Tim,

It would be nice for people to know what you would expect payment for a 
days work on grase to be.  I understand that you have to make sure that if 
you give up a day off your normal schedule that you would need to ensure 
that you had the money to cover that day, but sometimes people may not be 
able to give a regular amount, but you may well have the money required in 
one off payments to cover the day that particular month.


