2011-10-12 - [GRASE-Hotspot] Mobile Logins!?!? iOS - Version 3.6.2 - PLEASE HELP TEST

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From: Tim White <ti***8@gmail.com>
Message Hash: e208cd9509d7ebc9b4e9add050c087f8bb532900fab9a622f92a7e1001f23dd3
Message ID: <4E958BBF.1070103@gmail.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 2011-10-12 05:44:47 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 22:44:47 +1000

Raw message

Hey everyone.

Released 3.6.2 this evening. Fixed a few bugs including the 
no-javascript login.
Also (again) changed how the logins work regarding popup windows. The 
reason it used to popup a window when you clicked login, was this was 
the only way to get a window to popup when a popup blocker was active. 
Now, we attempt to popup a window AFTER a successful login, and if that 
fails, then there is a link to popup the status window and continue to 
your site. Easy!
The other major change, is before if the popup window opened correctly, 
it would automatically redirect you to your site. This no longer 
happens. ALL auto redirects are disabled, requiring the user to now 
click to continue to their site. This minor inconvenience has actually 
meant the login system works on more systems now. It appears to even 
work on iOS from my quick tests!! :-D

Lastly, for the very very brave. If you point a mobile browser at you'll now get a mobile version of the 
login! Currently it doesn't do much, just logs you in, and allows you to 
logout. The status window shows you no status except that you are logged 
in. No translations function, and if you change from the default ip of it won't work. However, in it's current state, it doesn't even 
need PHP to load!!!!! Please test this on all mobile (and non mobile) 
devices you can, to see if the basic code works. Eventually it'll be 
built out more, including translated and customisations. And yes, I know 
currently the login form is slightly too long for a standard iphone, but 
I've not done much more than throw it together. So please test, I need 
to know that the basic javascript code is working before I go and do more.

Thanks everyone! Hope this release fixes those small problems people 
have been having.

updating is the standard "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade"


